Like the women of the Bible, women in Uganda have much to offer and much is expected from them.

In adulthood, women are still treated as second-class citizens both in the public and private spheres.  Traditionally, house work is extremely gendered; wives are expected to care for the children, prepare meals, wash laundry, clean the house, tend to crops and even work outside of the home for additional income. 

Our project is designed to empower local women in the community. We have focused the program on women suffering from domestic abuse, widows, single mums or simply women who are just in need!

We have four approaches to women’s empowerment:

Building capacity of the women in agriculture for both household food security and household income, by working with women farmer groups. We train them in agriculture, education and provide some inputs.

Building entrepreneurship skills among the women and encouraging the women to work in groups so as to save and be loanable. We do this by training the women in entrepreneurship skills and encourage them to save as a group then we train them on how to manage their savings and lending activities.

The Bible is our manual for learning our identity and finding our place in this world and the next. So many of us women struggle with questions about our worth, value, and purpose in life. Studying the Bible teaches us to be wise and discerning and to make wise and careful decisions in every single area of our lives. Most importantly and ultimately, the goal of studying the Bible is… Him. Jesus. We want to know Him, learn from Him, get close to Him, and become like Him. We learn to hear the voice of God, are shaped by the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and follow Him. We learn a relationship with God and grow in love and dependence upon Him.

Teaching local women the skills needed for them to be community leaders, leaders of women, to stand up for their rights, to demand equality and to be strong independent entrepreneurs.

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